Tuesday, 24 September 2013

First video- Artic Monkeys.

First Video.
In our groups we worked in a 4, we all drew about 3 storyboards each, we all did our individual ideas and one did lyrical images on did the band performance one did a random story line and the other did lyrical/band performance. so when we all did our storyboards we took pictures of the images we drew, then we cut them all in to individual images so we had a considerable amount so we had enough to get us through the whole song with the correct images to go with it to make the song video look good, to give us a sense of what we will need to do in our own music video.


Monday, 16 September 2013


This is my first storyboard I drew out i started with drawing a women in a very short dress and fish nets to go with the song lyrics of the song,all my images i drew on my storyboards are lyric related and are of objects or people as opposed to the band playing, the song we chose was 'fluorescent adolenscence' by 'artic monkeys' i then went on to drawing a book which in the song is 'a little book of sex tips' i also drew fisnets, balckhole and a street labelled 'last laugh lane, i then went on to drawing a cocktail named bloody mary and a cuppa tea to show how the song portrays the relationship been exciting but now its just bland so its like a fun exciting cocktail which as turned in to a boring bland cup of tea.

In my second storyboard I started drawing a pair of legs with fishnets and holes in the knee's which is to go with the lyrics 'falling about' the then used a bit of my imagination and drew a man with a parachute to show him landing ' landing in a very common crisis, this was shown as land with crisis written on it, my second image on that storyboard is a girl and a boy the boy wearing a 'slag' t-shirt and the girl looking happy referring to 'oh that boys a slag the best you ever had' it then goes on to showing a man with a bust up manly face a nd boxing gloves to go with ' likes her gentlemen to not be gentle' the 6th picture relates to that line of lyrics as well because its a boxing ring to giv the sense hes not gentle, the 5th image i drew was a a bed with handcuffs on but all neet covers to relate to the lyrics.. started all the naughty nights with niceness.

On my last storyboard i drew i started of drawing a bingo sheet and a blobber which i did this because it goes with the lyrics 'was it a mecca dobber or a betting pencil' then a image of a speaker playing sounding it out  to go with the lyrics' you were just sounding it out' i then drew an house with the night sky because it was apt to the lyrics ' naughty nights' there is also a bottle of tobasco which was to go with 'that bloody mary's lacking the tobasco ' which related to the cocktail and the cup of tea earlier on in my drawings, then theres a big X and on top of the X it states 'youre not coming back again' the last is just some clouds to portray a persons vision of memory. which goes with the lyrics 'is just a memory and those dreams'.