For this music video not quite everything went to plan, there is a few things we had to change during the course of filming;
Changes to Actors;
Chelsey Willis was replaced by Nicole Denman.
Ryan Hayden was replaced by Leon Asgari.
Joe Clark was replaced by Josh Hobson.
Daniel Howley was replaced by Connor Falkner.
Jake Jones was replaced by Ryan Brown.
The new actors do still need to fill in there model consent form and have their photograph taken.
Changes to Locations;
Medical room was changed to a consultation room, the reason this was done was because we needed the light to be off and the medical room light was on a sensor so it coulnt be switced on and off maually.
For the new locations pictures do need to be taken and uploaded to blog.
Changes to Scheduele List;
Alterations was made to the scheduele list because extra days was put in for filming.
Changes to Equipent booking form;
Changes was made to the equipment booking form because we needed additonal days for filming so had to add several more lots for the equipment we needed.
Changes to Props;
For the Hospital gown at the time of filming we couldnt actually get hold of one so we had to substitute it with a white science lab coat. If we are able to reshoot we will use the hospital gown we later recieved to do the shots again.
Changes to the storyboard;
In the storyboard it states that the male actor.. Leon, was t walking down the hospital corridor and see the sign which states devotion and sadness etc, well this was missed from shooting so if we get time to reshoot this scence will also be shooted.
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